Moore County Public Safety is pleased to announce that we have started a new Social Media Networking campaign. Our mission is to use available social media to share information and collect feedback from our stakeholders, employees and customers.
Why social media?
With the widespread use of blogs, and social media outlets such as Facebook, YouTube and Twitter, many Emergency Management, Fire/Rescue, E911 and EMS providers have established a presence as a way to disseminate information about emergency preparedness, fire safety and prevention as well as public information in general. Social Media is also free and takes very little time to manage. Studies have shown that there are very few outlets that reach so many people with so little cost or effort.
What audience are we trying to reach?
Anyone wanting to stay informed of happenings in and around Moore County involving the Department of Public Safety and our network of Emergency Responders. Social Media users include a wide range of demographics. Devices such as “Smart phones,” mobile computers, and devices like the “I Pad” have made information more accessible than ever before. We are aware that networking in this manner can not replace traditional media outlets such as local newspaper, television or radio but can be added as a resource for local citizens and partners to obtain information. We also encourage everyone to visit the County of Moore official website for information. (
What will be posted?
We hope to post regular updates from Emergency Medical Services, the Fire Marshal’s Office, E911 and Emergency Management. We will also partner with any Moore County Fire, Rescue or Law Enforcement agency to help distribute any information or event involving their department. Local Responders can also check back for training announcements and information on special events.
If you have questions or feedback for us, please email them to Please include your full name as well as contact information with each correspondence.
Any local Fire, Rescue or EMS agency wanting an event published on any of our social media outlets please email the information in a “word” format to the same address and we will post it as soon as possible.
We hope that you will “follow us” and "share" with other users as we continue to strive to keep the public and responders informed.
Note: All information and or photos have been “pre-approved” for public release.
We can not and will not post or release pictures or names of any patients or persons treated or transported by any agency affiliated with Moore County Public Safety .
Note to responders: Before “tagging” or reusing any picture posted please consider your local department’s policies or procedures on social media and the posting of pictures.