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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Sandhills Community College Technical Rescuer :General and TR VMR Class Schedule

Sandhills Community College Technical Rescuer :General and TR VMR Class Schedule

June 25                        General Rescue Operations                                          
June 26                        General PPE                                                                

July 9                           General Rescue Equipment                                          
July 10                         General Helicopter Transport                                       

August 5, 6, 7               General Ropes                                                             

September 10, 11         General Rescue Rigging                                               

October 8, 9                General Victim Management                                        

November 4, 5             VMR Rescue Operations                                                                                            

December 5                 VMR Vehicle Anatomy
December 6                 VMR Bus and Machinery

January 7, 8                  VMR Stabilization

February 18, 19           VMR Victim Management                                             

The June and July Classes will be held at SCC in Van Dusen Hall 103. Classes starting in August will be held at the new SCC Emergency Services Training Center in Carthage. (Barring any unexpected delays in opening)